Keanu Reeves Live-action film Cowboy-Bebop set for 2011

Keanu Reeves did a brief update for MTV on his live-action project Cowboy Bebop. This project has been a passion of Keanu for years and now is finally in production for 2011. Keanu has been a fan of anime since his youth, this new live-action film will follow the sci-fi anime story line of Cowboy Bebop. If your not fimaliar with the anime Cowboy Bebop is a Japanese animated television series now featured on Adult Swim @4:30am. Directed by Shinichirō Watanabe and written by Keiko Nobumoto. Consisting of 26 episodes, the series follows the adventures of a group of bounty hunters traveling on their spaceship "the Bebop" in the year 2071. It is considered one of the best anime series ever made. A perfect role for Reeves who will play lead star Spike Spiegel. Via: Screenrant

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